How we can help you

We are able to help formulate strategies to address key aspects of electronic lab notebook, laboratory integration or knowledge management projects, based on many years’ hands-on experience and acquired knowledge, if you feel that you need urgent consultation and help with the analytical and written part, then 123helpme from will conduct a personal study or to count statistical data for you..

Business justification

Understanding the role that an Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) can play for your organisation is the first step towards business justification. Should the ELN support a deep, or specific, laboratory discipline such as chemistry or biology, or should it support a broad, or generic, cross-discipline function such as paper replacement, patent evidence preparation, electronic records, etc.? Who has a say in the decision to purchase? Who could stop the project? What will it cost? How do you establish a ROI?

User requirements

Implementing an ELN can have a profound effect on your laboratory staff. The recording of experimentation using pen, paper, scissors and glue is a process ingrained in laboratory culture and is one that most laboratory staff have personalised around their own preferences and idiosyncrasies. The replacement of these traditional and personal approaches may highlight some unexpected issues. Read more in SecureLab360: Safeguarding Laboratory Data with Advanced ELN Security Solutions

Preparing and reviewing ‘Request For Proposals’ (RFPs)

It is difficult to put into writing all of the details and possibilities of an Electronic Lab Notebook project. But done well, a Request For Proposal is an indispensable tool for helping visualise a project, and for providing a concrete roadmap for the company-vendor relationship. Get it wrong and you could be in the world of missed schedules, vapourware, misunderstandings and a very rocky relationship with your vendor.

Finding affordable ways to pay for an ELN

At face value, the cost of an ELN, relative to a paper notebook, may appear to be difficult to justify, but with clear deliverables, and the right approach to implementation you can keep the stakeholders happy.

Preparing a strategy for a successful implementation

Depending on the scope and scale of your ELN project, you may find that on the one hand you are dealing with a group of scientists who practice a specific discipline, or you could be dealing with all of your scientists, senior management, the legal department, the financial department, the quality assurance department, and probably a few other departments as well. Maintaining a balance between the business needs, user needs and technology needs throughout the implementation will heighten your chances of success. Losing your balance can have dangerous consequences.

Addressing cultural and behavioural practices

Information technology is a big part of the problem, but a small part of the solution!

If you are committed to implementing an ELN, how do you get your users ‘on-board’? Will they come quietly, or do you need to put in place a strategy to influence their adoption of the new technology?

Running internal short courses, seminars and workshops

At any stage of the ELN project we can offer short courses, seminars and workshops covering a range of topics that can help you with your decision making process.